I love to make things out of felted sweaters, so I was really happy to see these projects in the latest issue of Marie Claire Idees.
But I have way too many unfinished projects as it is. So I'm sending off my favorite cashmere cardigan to Kim Taylor, the Sassycrafter, for "re-purposing."
I came across this photo on her flickr site, and promptly put a request in for a custom order.
This charcoal grey sweater was made of the best quality cashmere - which must be why something chewed a hole in it over the summer.
Kim has free reign to alter the sweater in whatever way she chooses - I can't wait to see how it turns out! In the meantime, check in to Kim's websites to see what she's got going on!
Oh, nothing fuels the creative spark more than a fall issue of Marie Claire Idees for me! And felted woolens too? I have two bins of the stuff under my computer as we speak, looking for a craft project.
Posted by: Blair | September 29, 2007 at 07:02 PM