2. My sister and I love animals so much that,sometimes, we go to the humane society just to get a petting fix in. In the photo above, we're taking a break from errands at the shelter in town, letting the kittehs check out our handbags.
3. I'm pretty good at spotting celebrities. Mike would say it is because I "stare" at people. What I do, actually, is look people in the face when they walk by. Big airports like O'Hare and the jogging trail in my town are good celeb-spotting sites. Note to Hilary Swank - if you don't want to be recognized in this little town, lose the sunglasses, the matching jogging outfit, and the bodyguard. Eat a sandwich. Also, everyone on the dog trail says 'hi', so if you don't say 'hi', we already know you're not from here.
4. In fourth grade, my parents were getting a slow, miserable, angry, divorce and I was often up late because of fighting. I never had my homework done and I couldn't concentrate in school. My teacher sent me to the boiler room during my lunch hour to finish my work almost every day. What the teacher didn't know was that I really liked it in there. It was quiet, warm and, as my husband pointed out, an excellent place to daydream.
5. Thanks to the patience and generosity of others, I've learned a great deal about how to be a better wife and friend. All that time alone in the boiler room left me shy and self-absorbed, and I've spent many years unwinding the yarn ball that is emotion. If our parents had allowed us to have cats when we were kids, things might have been totally different. Jus' sayin'.
6. I hate "picnic" holidays like Memorial Day and Fourth of July. I don't even understand it myself, but I dread them and always feel lost and alone as if there is some major BBQ going on that I'm not invited to.
7. I've grown an inch and a half in the last five years. Secretly I worry that I have a brain tumor. I don't want to go to the doctor though, because every time I go to the doctor, something really is wrong. So I kind of quit going.
Thanks to Angelique who tagged me, I'm tagging: Karina, Julie, Kerry, Kelly, Kim, Citizen Reader, and Zannestar of Stars.
Brain tumors SUCK.
Why are they suddenly ubiquitous? Trendy? Fashionable? well, whatever, they SUCK.
there is also a whole lot of quackery going on, so don't trust the medical establishment (my 2 cents, having been stone-ground in their cruel mill! )
Have two fat cats right now, they can not eat Halloween candies nor tomatoes. Only high saline kitty vet-prescribed diets. Kitties and kids keep the world real. Doctors, especially neurosurgeons, live in a weird world that nobody else inhabits.
Best wishes and lots of love,
Posted by: The Laundress | November 18, 2008 at 01:37 AM
Well, Heidi,
I should clarify...it was a ten-pack of Reese's two-packs. Mmm. I could go for a Reese's, actually.
Sure, the hubbies may not go to Spokane or NYC, but they can be nice to have around too, just like kittehs.
I completely understand about "Truth in Nonfiction" taking a while--that was a serious book with a lot of thought in it! No hurry.
Posted by: Citizen Reader | November 14, 2008 at 04:43 PM
A ten pack of Reese's peanut butter cups and you feel bad about that? That's so amateur. Can't wait until my sister weighs in on that one.
I can relate to being more afraid of debilitating illness than death and I wish I had lived a year in NYC before I married a guy who won't even go to Spokane with me.
Thanks, Citizen Reader, for the reply, even though you don't do Meme's. I'm still reading Truth in Nonfiction by the way...that's why I haven't checked in for awhile, too embarrassed to say I'm way back there.
Posted by: Heidi | November 14, 2008 at 10:02 AM
Also? I hope very much you don't have a brain tumor, and I wish you luck with growing. As someone who's recently been through surgery and tests, I TOTALLY hear you on not wanting to go to the doctor--but I hope you go when you have to, and that you get the best possible results possible.
Posted by: Citizen Reader | November 14, 2008 at 09:44 AM
Hi Heidi!
Sorry I'm a party pooper and I don't do memes, but I'll happily give up the seven things here. (I loved your story of getting in your petting fix at the humane society.) So here goes!
1. My favorite color is brown. 2. I wish I'd been born Canadian. 3. I fear debilitating illness more than I fear death. 4. I am addicted to Gossip Girl (on TV). 5. I once ate a ten-pack of reese's peanut butter cups in one sitting, because they were so good. 6. I have a cat named Fooey. 7. I wish I could spend a year living in NYC.
Thanks for your great blog, Heidi.
Posted by: Citizen Reader | November 14, 2008 at 09:41 AM