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August 25, 2011


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Wow, that post is a JOURNEY. And a bit of a tear jerker. And possibly good fodder for a movie scene - I love the image of you huffing and bitching at the gym...and then seeing the woman in the wheelchair.

Excellent post. Excellent journey. Keep on going. (So says Lou.)


So proud of you and thankful to have you in my life everyday! You are an amazing role model :)


I just don't tell ya when my needle goes back up...got down another lb. then up 2--but slowly...it does keep going down and I don't crave snacks like I used to.


So, so proud of you Heidi.


Heidi, you are kicking ass! Keep it up girl! When my leg recovers I would love to hike with you again. Miss you lots and love you much.

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