The poison ivy continues. The oils are still on something in this house and are giving us rashes ON TOP OF our rashes. Yesterday, I went absolutely postal. I tore the house apart, starting with the bedroom. I super-cleaned and laundered everything and then went even deeper.
I opened my dresser drawers and I put a plastic bag right next to me. Anything unflattering or uncomfortable. Anything stained or with a small hole? Gone. Doesn't matter if its is potentially wearable in the art studio or for gardening. I'm not wearing it and I don't have room for it anyway.
As I sorted, it seemed to me that "potential" is the hoarder's advocate. "I might use it. It's still good. I've always wanted to..."
But even a gambler knows that if a bet that if it hasn't paid off for two decades...I've moved some scrap pieces of paper in and out of four different homes for a collage that's never been made. I try to channel my sister: WWKD with this? She'd throw it the fuck away.
Moving from a big house to a small one brings my hoarding problem into sharper focus. I have four brand-new coffeemakers and two french press pots. In a big house (with three out buildings, a 2nd home and a storage unit, besides); you could easily have 35 blank canvases and not realize it.Those same 35 blank canvases stacked up in your art studio, with no other place to put them? Hell.
Thanks man! Feng shui it!
Posted by: teent | August 29, 2011 at 06:27 PM