I did a big Christmas last year and it was fun and all, but I'm definitely looking forward to a much smaller fete this year.
I set myself up in the studio today and started some handmade ornaments for the tree. I started to get overwhelmed but then remembered that this year's tree won't be sixteen feet high. I only need to make a precious few things, really, and I my overflowing supply cabinets in the art studio can provide.
I started with a garland made of small and large wool felt hearts. I had help.
Inspired by this Martha Stewart project; I bought some paper clay at Michael's and hoped for the best. As often happens, Martha's projects don't necessarily work on a budget. I didn't want to spend $50 apiece for each springerle cookie mold but couldn't find anything comparable that interested me.
Then I remembered a box of vintage Chinese ink blocks I have in a cabinet! I couldn't be bothered to go back to the art supply store and and buy mold making gel (to make a reverse mold of the ink blocks), so I just decided to kick it old school and press the blocks into the clay to see what would happen.
It sort of worked. They are still drying, so the jury is still out on whether or not it was worth the time and effort. The Polish stars are definitely worth paying for. Very fussy to make and I felt like I was covered with glue. Plenty of professionals are selling awesome-looking versions on etsy.
I also made cones or "coronets" out of an old bird calendar I have been saving for collage but never quite...well..you know. I will stuff the cones with tissue paper and Christmas sweets and hang them on the tree with ribbon. I also have these ornaments that I made a few years ago; some glass balls; and plans to hang candy canes on the branches. I think it will be just right.
I did all of this today. No interruptions. It was such a nice way to spend time.
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