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December 04, 2011


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I enjoyed reading about your trip to the museum. Once removed, I wasn't bored. And, I was given the gift of never-before-seen silk for socks.

Robertson Adams

First, if this is the Museum of the Shenandoah Mountains, it's one of just two things that Wikipedia says about Winchester. Next, it looks like an expensive endeavor to be built without someone's passion and a chunk of government or private funding, so which was it? I'm guessing if it's lacking focus it's a pork project from the Feds. Lastly, maybe they need a grant for an outreach program!


Stuff, stripped of context, can be interesting. If you are the Antiques Roadshow sort of docent. But there's an awful lot of dead negative space in that place. I don't know. I think I'd rather go to the Muppets movie.

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