My sister sent me a link to a great article by Joe Peacock: All the New Year Advice You Could Possibly Ever Shove Up Your Ass. I found wisdom there. I liked the statement, "If you want to be honest about how you feel about stuff, start with telling yourself the truth about it." The trick is to be able to figure out how you really feel and deal with it now. Not, like, five years from now.
But I didn't bother to set any New Year's resolutions for 2014. I'm still busy trying to reach the goals I set in 2013. Or those from 2002 for that matter. If I'm honest with myself, I can't really remember what last year's resolutions were. I'm sure it had something to do with running a 10K and eating right.
I did go through all my things (again) and had a brief moment of organization in the art studio/office. I'm sure that was a resolution and it worked out, mostly. I threw away all the clothes that reminded me of my ex because every time I opened the closet I relived the fight based on what I'd been wearing during the arugments. The purple sweater I wore when he told me, "YOU DO NOTHING." Even if that statement will stay in my heart forever, anyway. There's no room for that sweater here. Even if I can't afford a whole new wardrobe - those memories have to go. So, the short summary is that I gave away all my warm coats and I'm headed Minnesota next week. My bad.
I guess I thought I'd find a coat I liked before the winter weather set in and I did. I found a really nice coat. Great style. Great quality. Great price. I ordered the large and it was too tight in the biceps. THE BICEPS. So I sent it back and ordered the extra large. And when the extra large finally arrived it was also too tight in THE BICEPS. I kept it for a couple of days and tried it on at odd moments - just in case I'd been swollen in THE BICEPS from something salty. No dice. So I had to send the coat back. Not because I'm too fat but because I'm too ripped. Bitches.
Two warm coats remain: a real, blonde vintage mink and a vintage faux leopard with 3/4 sleeves (and no long gloves.) It's 5 degrees in Winchester, Virginia and the wind chill is around -15. I'm totally against buying something you don't like just because you need it right that second. Those purchases have a way of hanging around for years and making you subtly miserable, right? So I'll wait until I find a good coat. But...brrrr! I'm guess I'm going to Target this afternoon in the hopes they have some long black gloves and, whether I wind up in mink or faux leopard? It looks like I will be the most glamourous person that has ever visited the memory care unit in Hometown, Minnesota.
I'm not entirely sure what the point of this story is. Perhaps something about making assumptions about what you need to get rid of to be happy. Perhaps it's about what you need to keep. Or maybe it's about planning ahead. Or it could be about not waiting to get yourself what you need.
Either way. Happy New Year.